src The best of Castlemaine Hotrods, Victoria.

The Best of
Castlemaine Hotrods.

(A work in flux)

( Click on your choice to link )


Castlemaine is the hotrod capital of Australia.
Who'd have thought!

Now this is because every part of the machine can be made or modified in this small city.

It is the one stop shop for hotrods. From the smallest, insignificant part to the complete car.

And this comes with the company and the advice of like minded enthusiasts.

In fact you can come to Castlemaine with a wing-nut and we will restore the whole car for you.
And that is what makes us the Hotrod Builders to the world.




The Castlemaine Rod Shop




Jet Hot Coatings Australia



CAE Performance Products

CAE Performance Products




The Hotrod Net




Graffiti Publications




Simon Muntz's Street Rods and Accessories




Castle Auto Electric



The Hot rod jamboree - Castlemaine

The Hot rod jamboree - Castlemaine




Accommodation at the Midland Hotel, Castlemaine.

The Best place to
stay in Castlemaine